The Asus G74SX-A1 laptop is full high definition gaming and multimedia packed into a sleek form with the latest technology. It’s powered by a 2.0GHz Intel Core i7-2630QM quad-core processor (up to 2.9 GHz in turbo mode), 12GB of DDR3 RAM, dual 750GB (1.5TB) hard drive, and a 3GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 560M dedicated graphics card.
This Asus G74SX-A1 laptop is packs a 17.3-inch Full HD display with resolution of 1920×1080 pixel,Blu-ray, three USB 2.0 ports, an USB 3.0 port, VGA output, HDMI 1.4a port, a 8-in-1 card reader, and a 8-cell battery. It is pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
This Asus G74SX-A1 laptop is packs a 17.3-inch Full HD display with resolution of 1920×1080 pixel,Blu-ray, three USB 2.0 ports, an USB 3.0 port, VGA output, HDMI 1.4a port, a 8-in-1 card reader, and a 8-cell battery. It is pre-loaded with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
I purchased this computer about a month ago, and waited to write a review so i could get to know it better. I will say right now, i love this laptop, it can run just about everything with the graphics maxed like a breeze. The only exception to this that i have found is Shattered Horizon which i purchased from steam for $5, now $20. The game is a very intense outer space FPS, so the physics are so advanced and taxing on your processor that i had to stick to normal settings. The game is still absolutely fantastic you really don't notice a difference in the levels of graphics anyways.
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