Sony has announced the VAIO Z Series laptop in European market, called the Vaio Z21. This laptop is based on Intel’s Huron River platform.
The Sony Vaio Z21 is powered by Intel Core i5-2410M or the Core i7-2620M processors, a 13.1-inch (1600 x 900) LED-backlit display, 4GB or 8GB of memory, a 128GB or 256GB solid state drive, WLAN, Bluetooth, 3G, a fingerprint reader, one USB 3.0 connector, and a 3D output, an HD webcam, and runs Windows 7 Professional.
The Sony Vaio Z21 is powered by Intel Core i5-2410M or the Core i7-2620M processors, a 13.1-inch (1600 x 900) LED-backlit display, 4GB or 8GB of memory, a 128GB or 256GB solid state drive, WLAN, Bluetooth, 3G, a fingerprint reader, one USB 3.0 connector, and a 3D output, an HD webcam, and runs Windows 7 Professional.
The recommended price of Sony VAIO Z21 Series laptop is starting from €1.809, €2.199, €2.449, and €2.839 respectively.
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