Acer has recently unveiled a new laptop powered by AMD’s E-300 or E-450 APUs, called theAspire 7250. The AMD E-350 APU with 1GHz dual cores and Radeon HD 6310 integrated graphics running at 492MHz, while the AMD E-450 APU packs dual cores clocked at 1.3GHz and Radeon HD 6310 integrated GPU running at 488MHz.
The Acer Aspire 7250 laptop is equipped with a 17.3-inch CineCrystal display with resolution of 1600×900 pixel, up to 8GB of DDR3 system memory, 320GB to 750GB of storage, a DVD burner, a multi-gesture touchpad, and 6-cell battery pack provides up to 4 hours of use.
The Acer Aspire 7250 laptop is equipped with a 17.3-inch CineCrystal display with resolution of 1600×900 pixel, up to 8GB of DDR3 system memory, 320GB to 750GB of storage, a DVD burner, a multi-gesture touchpad, and 6-cell battery pack provides up to 4 hours of use.
The connectivity and Input/Output options of the Aspire 7250 include a 2-in-1 card reader, a 0.3MP webcam, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and HDCP and VGA video outputs.
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